Tuesday, 12 February 2013

How Importance of Google Friendly Website for Seo Purpose

You have just gifted your business a great looking website which is winning appreciation from one & all. You feel proud of the work and are sure it will earn you substantial enquiries. One thing that you probably forgot to take in account is whether your website made in accordance with Google’s expectations. You can argue that Seo will be done now and things like back links, article posting will satisfy Google. True, but partly. Although off page optimization techniques play a major role in earning Google ranking, on page optimization is vital as well.

It is a general perception that on page optimization contributes appx. 15% to achievement of Google rankings. What we need to understand is that when the ranking race is so fierce the difference of 15% can be the separating factor between rank 1 and rank 100. Therefore, on page optimization is an absolute must.

The first step for on page optimization is to make sure that you include the targeted keywords in all page titles. It is highly appreciated by Google. The keywords should be separated by ‘|’ symbol. These keywords should ideally be separate for each page depending on the way you wish to target the contents of that particular page. Also, you must only add main keywords. There is no need to add filler words as character ‘|’ acts a filler word.

Importance must also be given to adding
header tags. These are basically the heading and sub-headings for the website. You must add main keywords in the header tags and always place the header tag on extreme left of the website html because Google reads a website from top left to bottom right.

Lastly, we should smartly use our keywords within the actual content of the website. The keywords must be sprinkled throughout the content and they should be highlighted by using bold, italic or underline. Be very careful not to overdo this and keep highlighting to maximum of once per keyword, otherwise it can harm more than help. Similarly, image tags should also be added to make Google read the keywords first.

Once you keep these on page optimization techniques in mind, your beloved website have another admirer in Google, who is actually the most important visitor to your site. 

This Article is written by Amit Thapa, having 5+ Years Experience in Internet Marketing as an Expert Web Analyst.Techiezens Infosystems Is a profession Web Designing New Delhi . We are India's fastest Growing Company ecommerce web design company & ecommerceweb site development. We are providing website design and web development services for businesses


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