Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Good and bad points of Flash Website Design

Flash is basically animation software for vectors. The reason behind introduction of flash was to integrate animations with web pages. Due to the fact that flash uses vector based graphics it is able to work better with websites as the files are very light and load easily. 

Although, the primary usage of flash has remained the same but it has increased in capabilities and functionalities with time. It is not more programming friendly, which makes it possible to make complete sites in flash. 

There are many advantages that flash offers over HTML like the loading and downloads of flash based movies is always faster than the HTML ones because of the vector elements. Another big plus is that movies / animations in flash are cached and hence don’t need to be load repeatedly which is not possible with HTML. Also, the overall user experience is richer and more user oriented. 

Although these advantages make flash sound like a clear favorite in comparison with HTML but in practical world the things a different. Flash by nature is faster loading than HTML but it largely depends on the quality of the developer. Most of the developers don’t know the correct usage of flash as a result make files which are even heavier than HTML because they add too much of fancy animations and videos. Cache of videos is a plus but on the flipside flash caches the pages as well, as a result you keep using the cached pages images at your end instead of downloading from the server and thus miss out on the updates. Like flash, HTML has made rapid progress in technology as well and now with ASP.net and Java server spaces it can offer an equally impressive user experience. 

The biggest glitch that flash carries is its inability to handle text properly. It’s an open secret that flash displays text in a less empathic manner and readability is always an issue. This is a big problem as the entire web game is about content. The rendering of text is also slower with flash. 

To add to the worries of a flash based sites are not SEO friendly at all. So unless you are the Apples of the world and don’t bother about people finding you on search engines, flash is not the right way to go for you. 

To summarize, flash is a wonderful tool that has many dimensions and possibilities. It has grown manifolds with time. It is an ideal enhancement tool for any but not a medium to develop complete sites in, at least not yet.

This Article is written by Amit Thapa, having 5+ Years Experience in Internet Marketing as an Expert Web Analyst.Techiezens Infosystems Is a profession Web Designing Company Delhi . We are India's fastest Growing Company ecommerce web design company & ecommerceweb site development. We are providing website design and web development services for businesses.


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