Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Guidelines for efficient Website Design

The job of a website design company is not only about creating a design and adding codes to it. There are many other parameters that contribute to making a good website. This art is practiced and perfectly over a period of time, still these tips will act as your guidelines. 

1. Quick loading: The biggest put off for a visitor is waiting for a website to load. Internet is a medium very the audience is spoilt for choices. Therefore, if the visitor is made to wait to see your product, he will waste no time in moving on. 

The general thumb rule of the industry is that a website should not take more than 20 seconds to load. The problem of long loading is primarily due to heavy flash and high resolution images. There is no doubt that these elements add to the beauty of the site but what’s the point to making the site beautiful when nobody is seeing it. 

2. Convenient navigation: Your website visitor must be able to reach any section from anywhere are not more than 5 clicks. If the no. of leading clicks is more than this then the chances of visitor getting lost are above 50%. It is important to have subsections wherever needed but equally important not to overdo it. There has to be the right balance. 

Another important point that many designers miss is that many a time visitors land on your website’s inner pages instead of the homepage, therefore all pages must be clearly named and linked to all pages including the homepage. 

3. Proper use of pop ups: pop ups are an interesting concept and definitely add to the user experience. It is a kind of glitter for the look of the website. It adds character but as with makeup, too much to decking up will work the reverse way. A visitor enjoys a rare pop up here and there but if a popup starts showing up from each corner then the visitor gets irritated and might even leave the site. A website design company, Delhi must make sure it uses just the right dose of pop ups. 

4. Use right colors: First of all the color scheme used must be in line with the theme of the company. Then, you must ensure that irrespective of your color theme, the content should be easily readable. Many sites suffer from the problem to using such striking colors that suppress the content. Remember if the visitors can’t read anything, they won’t understand anything. 

If you keep these things in mind you are sure to be on the right track for your website design ventures. After that, it’s your skill and experience that will determine how well you perform. 

This Article is written by Amit Thapa, having 5+ Years Experience in Internet Marketing as an Expert Web Analyst.Techiezens Infosystems Is a profession Web Designing Company Delhi . We are India's fastest Growing Company ecommerce web design company & ecommerceweb site development. We are providing website design and web development services for businesses.


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