Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Customer Feedback is important for Website

You are a prospering business house with customer base larger than the number of soccer fans in the city. It’s time to do more for the clients; you decide to bring them on a common platform. Now on, there is a customer feedback community for everyone on your website. Brilliant idea! Or is it? At first thought, it seems a great way to get closer to the customers, but you need to understand things a little better before you jump in.

First & foremost, you need to ensure that the ‘customers’ giving the feedback are actually your customers. There is no dearth of online nuisance characters and of course you can never count out the competition. Remember, a good comment/review might go unnoticed, but a bad one always shines out.Compulsory registration with strict parameters is the best solution here.

Another important point is that the comments that are posted must be reverted and reverted timely. It doesn’t mean you need to reply every comment; you need to sort out the relevant ones, specially the complaints, and act on it. An assurance that the suggestion has been noted goes a long way in pacifying the customers.

You must also make the use of forum to learn the product innovations. It is one of the few places where you have your specific target audience assembled together, it’s the best R&D. Not only learn,acknowledge that you got the idea from a customer. For example, there is a complaint about your product X, in your reply you should not only provide a solution but mention that, based on this feedback; you are soon launching a new version of the product soon that will ensure these problems are not repeated. It will work like magic.

To summarize, consumer feedback are great for your business but demand caution as mishandling can make them equally harmful. Agree? Disagree? Let us know your feedback. Yes, we practice what we preach! 

This Article is written by Amit Thapa, having 5+ Years Experience in Internet Marketing as an Expert Web Analyst.Techiezens Infosystems Is a profession Web Designing Company Delhi . We are India's fastest Growing Company ecommerce web design company & ecommerceweb site development. We are providing website design and web development services for businesses.


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