Monday, 24 September 2012

Valuable Web Design Guidelines Need to follow

Here are some vital web design tips 2012 that all web site should pursue. Design your web site by subsequent these instructions and I assure that visitors will have a great first idea of your site.
Immediate Loading web site designs – This is the figure 1 tip that all web designer should follow. You might design a web site that looks unbelievable but few people are going to notice it if it takes a lengthy time to load. Your designs should be optimized for the web and should not take additional than 15 seconds to load. Remember, you might have a immense design but very few people are going to see it if it takes a lengthy time to load.

Understandable Navigation – Once a guest has come to your site you require to arrange them go through your site. To do this you need to have patent navigation. Make sure all your vital links are at imperative places. Rather right on top – that’s usually where a visitor first looks. Build use of menus on the right and the left. Try to link to as numerous pages of your site. Let your in sequence be available from all parts of the site. You not at all know what a visitor may be attracted in. Try to also utilize the footer for your main links.

Every part of Resolutions – Today, there are computers through all kinds of activity. They choice from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768 with go yet higher. Your profession is to design your site for all these resolutions. The best way to do this is to design your site in conditions of proportion and not pixels. Click here to discover  Website Designing for every part of display resolutions.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Google Webmaster Help Video about Alt Attributes

Matt Cutts, Head of Google's Web spam Team discusses the importance of alt attributes.

Latest Panda Updates with 3.92 on 18 of Sep 2012

Google’s announced that another Panda Update is being unleashed on its results, one that it says will impact 0.7% of queries. We’re calling it Panda 3.92, through we’re wondering if it’s time to declare Panda 4.0 upon us.
Here’s the official news from Google:
Panda refresh is rolling out—expect some flux over the next few days. Fewer than 0.7% of queries noticeably affected:
The link leads to Google’s official announcement of the first Panda Update back in 2011.

Panda Update History

We’ve had a string of updates since then, as follows, along with the percentage of queries Google said would be impacted:
  1. Panda Update 1.0, Feb. 24, 2011 (11.8% of queries; announced; English in US only)
  2. Panda Update 2.0, April 11, 2011 (2% of queries; announced; rolled out in English internationally)
  3. Panda Update 2.1, May 10, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)
  4. Panda Update 2.2, June 16, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)
  5. Panda Update 2.3, July 23, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)
  6. Panda Update 2.4, Aug. 12, 2011 (6-9% of queries in many non-English languages; announced)
  7. Panda Update 2.5, Sept. 28, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)
  8. Panda Update 3.0, Oct. 19, 2011 (about 2% of queries; belatedly confirmed)
  9. Panda Update 3.1, Nov. 18, 2011:  (less than 1% of queries; announced)
  10. Panda Update 3.2, Jan. 18, 2012 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)
  11. Panda Update 3.3, Feb. 27, 2012 (no change given; announced)
  12. Panda Update 3.4, March 23, 2012 (about 1.6% of queries impacted; announced)
  13. Panda Update 3.5, April 19, 2012 (no change given; belatedly revealed)
  14. Panda Update 3.6, April 27, 2012: (no change given; confirmed; first update within days of another)
  15. Panda Update 3.7, June 9, 2012: (1% of queries; belatedly announced)
  16. Panda Update 3.8, June 25, 2012: (about 1% of queries; announced)
  17. Panda Update 3.9, July 24, 2012:(about 1% of queries; announced)
  18. Panda Update 3.91, Aug. 20, 2012: (about 1% of queries; belatedly announced)
  19. Panda Update 3.92, Sept. 18, 2012: (less than 0.7% of queries; announced)

Numbering Panda: From Panda 1 to Panda 2

Google doesn’t always announce these updates. Sometimes, we get reports of ranking changes being noticed, and then after the fact, we get a Google confirmation. Sometimes Google does announce them, either the day the go live (as is the case today) or shortly after the fact)
When Google announces or confirms and update, sometimes it explains how much of an impact it is expected to have on the search results. The very first Panda Update was huge, estimated by Google to have an impact on 11.8 percent of all queries done on Google in the US. In contrast, today’s announced update is said to have an impact on less than 1% of queries globally.
Google doesn’t number these updates. We began doing that when the second Panda Update happened. Since it was the second, we called it Panda 2.0. At times, people from Google have occasionally used our numbers, as have others (notably on SEOmoz’s excellent chart of Google algorithm changes).

From Panda 2 To Panda 3

When the third Panda release happened, we were ready to call it Panda 3.0. But Google itself said that this wouldn’t be right, that it was a minor update that wasn’t worthy of a full increase in number. That’s why we dubbed it Panda 2.1.
Following updates were all minor, so we carried along with the “point” naming, in other words, Panda 2.2, Panda 2.3 and so on.
In hindsight, we probably should have dubbed Panda 2.4 to be Panda 3.0, because it was such a major change in that Panda rolled out beyond the English language (except for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages). Still, perhaps we’re to be forgiven given what happened when we finally did get to Panda 3.0.
You see, Panda 2.5 came and went, yet another minor update. Then we had a warning of “Panda Flux” get issued, which made it sound like the schedule of Panda Updates happening every few weeks was changing to an ongoing update.
Instead, Google belatedly said that one of the updates we numbered as minor should have been tagged as major (and thus warranting a 3.0 figure). We did the best we could to figure out which one that was, which is why the October 19 update became Panda 3.0.

Getting To Panda 4.0

When do we finally get Panda 4.0? I suppose it’s whenever we want to declare it. Potentially, it happened in March. I say that because March is the last time Google said the impact on queries would be above 1%.
In hindsight, this seems an obvious metric to use, how big an update is as given by Google. But as I’ve explained, Google doesn’t always give that estimate. In fact, with Panda Update 3.5, no one even knew that a Panda Update had happened. Because it came around the time of the Penguin Update, all the ranking changes that normally signal an Panda Update were masked by Penguin Update changes. Only Google itself commenting that a Panda Update had also happened alerted everyone.
As the updates kept coming, we hit something unexpected. We were running out of point numbers. That’s why we ended up with Panda 3.91 last month and Panda 3.92 today.

Panda 20, Anyone?

We could go back and say that Panda Update 3.4 is being renamed to Panda 4.0, which would bring today to Panda 3.7. But there’s no guarantee we’ll have another major-enough Panda Update to get us away from having a Panda 3.98 or Panda 3.933 or … well, you get the point.
I’m against going back and renaming things, because people get used to a name, so changing adds to confusion, rather than clarifies it. Instead, I’d be curious to hear comments from others on how you’d like to see Panda naming (or numbering) go forward.
One thought is to lose the entire point system that started with Panda 2.1. If we’d ignored Google’s advice and just made Panda 2.1 into Panda 3, regardless of how “major” it was, we’d be at Panda 19 right now.
That leads me to think the next Panda update should be called Panda 20, regardless of how big it is, then going forward we simple increase the number by one.
There’s no doubt we’re going to keep having them. Google said to expect Panda Updates on a roughly monthly basis. So Panda 20? Stay tuned for October.

Related Entries

  • Google Forecloses On Content Farms With “Panda” Algorithm Update
  • Hit By Panda Update? Google Has 23 Questions To Ask Yourself To Improve
  • Why Google Panda Is More A Ranking Factor Than Algorithm Update
  • Info graphic: The Google Panda Update, One Year Later
  • The Penguin Update: Google’s Web spam Algorithm Gets Official Name
  • Google: Further Penguin Update “Jolts” To Come; Panda Is Smoother & Monthly

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Penguin algorithm update - What to expect in future?

Penguin update by Google - A brief discussion on its impact

Penguin Update 2.0 - The name itself looks creepy. The 1.0 version of Penguin cost a lot to online marketing sector and businesses, setting safe only those who deliberately omitted black hat optimization strategies. Yet, these updates throw down the gauntlet at all pioneers of the SEO industry; however the effects vary from medium to maximum depending on their expertise and the ethics they follow. Panda being updated to version 3.9.1 last Monday, affected approximately 1% of the search queries which makes no big impact on the crowd out there.  This was not the case when the first version of Panda – Panda 1.0 (aka the Farmer Update) was released back in February 2011. It setup the same after effects and stirs that the Penguin update (launched on April 24) version 1.0 had caused. Soon all site-owners woke up to powder their sites panda friendly.

Penguin UpdateUpdates by Google are never to be cursed or offended. Penguin should exist and ought to evolve in all possible ways that help a web surfer to arrive at the information he needs, paving way to a better search experience. This is highly effective for Google to sort out and stop rewarding those sites which rank best using black hat techniques, tricks and ugly tactics. Google can lessen the importance it gives to link equation and rank sites purely on the basis of quality content, bounce rate of the website and social signals.

Penalizing websites without providing a valid reason is something Google has to reconsider, for God sake. Or at least they should be transparent to why these sites were thrown out of the web search results and could rather down rank them. As Penguin appeared as the notorious villain in Google’s ‘SEO puppet show’, even niche sites with very good content were washed out only for the reason that they were linked to/ fro to a few spam links (which they even might not have been aware of). So Google should help webmasters identify what went wrong exactly so that they could fix it. Because only Google knows what was wrong.

Attention! Small/ Mediocre business owners. Do you have a website and a holy dream of ranking high in search results? Never expect this to happen naturally while you remain idle at your office desk. Days of link building are history. Google is never comfortable and never takes for granted those black hat techniques like keyword stuffing, low quality content and incorporating irrelevant outgoing links from a page, which for sure gets your site into trouble.

Never feel exhausted or gone out of the world when you see a fall in traffic to your site after major update is released. You could definitely bring back your online business stronger than before with the help of SEO services providers. Identify those who work on white hat techniques and have a passion towards SEO. Build brand awareness and aim at greater business breakthrough on the competitive market grounds.


LinkedIn Company Page: Why Your Business Needs It

In addition to having a profile page on LinkedIn, a Company Page for your business can do you more good.  But before you are start creating a LinkedIn page for your business, you might be asking why you would need it. What benefits could a company page give for your business?
There are two essential reasons why your brand should be taking advantage of LinkedIn company page:

Company Reach

You may not be putting any efforts into building your company’s online presence on LinkedIn, but your employees are definitely updating their social network profile. This means that there’s a great change that they are showing where they work.

Every user that connects with your worker’s profile may potentially click on your company page. They will then be redirected to your business’ LinkedIn profile. Take advantage of these click-throughs by creating a LinkedIn company page, since it will make it easy for other users to land on your page by just browsing.
Furthermore, opinions about your brand will be easily formed based on the amount and type of information displayed on your company page. This is due to the fact that every employee connected to your network can easily promote your company.

Product Awareness

A LinkedIn company page is also a great way to make your network aware of the product or service you provide because the social network offers a section specifically for talking about special products.
While a Facebook page can help you promote and describe your products as a whole, LinkedIn lets that field down. In turn, it can make each of your products stand out. The good thing about this is that users can see how many of their connections are recommending it, in addition to learning more about your products and services.

This form of product awareness is hard to find and difficult to measure, so you have to take advantage of this feature by creating a LinkedIn company page.

Having a LinkedIn company page gives you a centralized venue where your brand can connect with millions of other users. It also keeps your members in the loop about company news, products and services, business opportunities, and job openings. By having a business page on LinkedIn, you’re giving your brand the opportunity to tell your company’s story, leverage your products and services, engage your followers, share career opportunities, and drive a “word of mouth” campaign in large scale.

Source :

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Why Timing Your Tweets Matters

Majority of online marketers who use Twitter for their online marketing campaign usually time their tweets. That’s because it could be a great way to increase their user reach and direct more traffic to their website.

Better timing of tweets could actually give your posts more retweets. As a result, you could gain more followers. However, there are some factors that you need to consider when timing your tweets.

Followers’ Activity

Monitoring your followers’ activity can be a great way for your content and links to generate more exposure and retweets. Check out when your fans are most active. Is it on a weekend or a weekday? You should also take note of the time of day when majority of your followers are most active.

Time your tweets accordingly once you already know the time and day they are most active. In turn, majority of your followers will see your posts, which could help your content get more exposure and retweets. The more people see your tweets, the higher the chance that you could boost your website or blog’s traffic.

Followers by Time Zone

The daily activity of your followers will depend on their timeline. For instance, if you’re living somewhere in Asia, there’s a possibility that your daytime could be nighttime on the other side of the globe. That being said, monitoring your followers’ activity is important.

You should also take into consideration the density of your followers based on various timelines. If majority of your followers are from Asia, you should time your tweets depending on their timeline. If most of them are from the Eastern Time zone, you should time your tweets when they are most active.

Using a Twitter Scheduling Tool

As much as you want to stay awake all day and all night just to time your tweets, it just won’t work that way. There are various Twitter schedule tools that you could use to help you with this task. Just remember to space your schedule accordingly so your tweets won’t flood your follower’s timeline.

Furthermore, you should not stop sending your tweets personally, especially if your post is conversational in nature. Responding and retweeting other content could also help to expand brand awareness.

Boosting your brand’s online presence on Twitter is not just as simple as posting a 140-character message. It also requires going with the flow to your followers’ activity.

SEO tools for help Website Analyze

Most of the SEO Professionals needs to send number of SEO proposals to new clients often. Also, they would like to have quick analysis on each website before sending the proposal. Following are top 3 free online tools which will help you while doing website analysis.

Woo rank

Site Trail

Hubspot's Marketing Grader

 1. Woorank:
Woorank is one of the best free tool for basic SEO analysis. Woorank team is putting their maximum efforts to optimize this tool. SEO Professionals who would like to know about any site in a single click can approach this tool without any doubt. One good thing is it’s always free and clean interface with no ads. Following are the couple factors this tool analyzes about a website:

SEO Suggestions
Visitor’s information
Social Share data
SEO Tech Info
SEO Tags Data
Link Evaluation
Keyword Analysis
Website Authority & Back links
Usability & Security
Tracking & Technologies

2. Site Trail:
Site Trail is another free SEO tool for website analysis. It’s little new compared to woorank. It’s also offering the same kind of features in woorank. However Site Trail team has few more additional features to their tool i.e. Hosting, Server, DNS Records & HTTP headers information. Following are the list of features it offers:

Social Media Stats
Basic SEO Data
Visitors Analysis
Traffic Rank Details
Content & Linking Analysis
Hosting & Server Info
DNS & HTTP header Records

3. HubSpot’s MarketingGrader:
It will give little in-depth analysis of any website. This tool is able to recognize whether your site is a blog or not. It’s good to test one of your sites personally on this tool, so that you will have a better idea. If you are marketing professional then you will worth testing it. Listed below major features:

Blogging analysis
SEO Info
Mobile Compatibility check
Social Stats

If you would like to add any free SEO tools to this post, please feel free share your views at below comment section.